Welcome to Challa Gardens Primary School

The staff, children and School Council at Challa Gardens Primary School, extends a warm welcome to you and your children. We hope that your time associated with the school will be happy and educationally rewarding for your family. “Challa” is Aboriginal for “rich soil”. We aim to create a rich learning environment in which your children can grow in many ways.

In our school, we aim to create an environment of caring concern for each child’s progress and welfare. This is achieved through mutual respect and communication between the staff, children and parents. We value the thoughts and ideas of parents and we look forward to getting to know you, as you become a valued member of the school community.

The School Principal, Pina Fitzharris and Deputy Principal, Anna Bakker are readily available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Our School Counsellor, Gay Dawson is also available to parents, staff and students who need assistance or support with learning, personal or behavioural concerns.

The School Office is located directly opposite the hall, through the double green doors at the the top of the ramp. Staff are there to help you with questions regarding enrolment, payment of fees, school card, illnesses or emergencies.